Exercise Burn Belly Fat - Lose Belly Fat Exercises

Exercise burn belly fat is true and of course it isn't the only way to reduce belly fat if you have one. Exercising can help you get the body you deserve and make you stay healthy. There are many ways in which you can lose stomach fat, they include; surgery, general exercising, home workouts and diets which don't work as well as exercising or working out at home. Therefore if you want to burn belly fat, you have to be serious about it. You should do these abdominal workouts at least three times a week minimum. Here are simple exercises that burn belly fat:

Leg Cycling on the air

This lose belly fat exercise is very simple to do. All you have to do is lay on your back on a mat or a surface that is flat. I suggest you make sure the surface is free of anything that can harm your back. You can use the floor at home to do this exercise. After you lay on the mat, raise your legs above and move them as if you are cycling, like someone riding a bicycle if you understand what I mean. Do this in three sets of five minutes. This is a simple and easy way of reducing belly fat

Lose Belly Fat

Vertical leg raising

Lie down on your back on a soft flat surface. Relax for 30 seconds and raise your legs vertical with the floor. Slightly lift your hips on the air and hold there for five to ten seconds. Repeat this 15 times in five sets. Although is not as effective as the first exercise or reducing belly fat, this exercise can help your body to be more flexible and also reduce body fat.

Hands behind head simple workout

A lose belly fat exercise that is highly recommended for those who want to burn some belly fat fast. Lie on your back on a soft surface like a carpeted floor, relax for a few seconds to be in comfortable position. Put both of your hands below the back of your head, then raise your upper body towards your knees and hold for 2 seconds...and return to the initial position. Do this five sets of fifteen repetitions. Another lose belly fat exercise related to this one is to lay in the same position, then contract your abdomen and hold it for about two seconds and return to the initial position. Do this five sets of fifteen repetitions.

Belly Fat Exercises

Using your bench or chair

This stomach exercise burn belly fat and is very easy to do. All you have to do is to position yourself on the floor by laying on your back. Raise your feet and put them on a bench or chair. Make sure the furniture you are using is strong and stable enough from moving or breaking because you don't want to hurt yourself. When you put your feet in a bench or chair, make sure your upper legs make a 90 degree angle. Lift upper back off the ground and contract your abdominal area a few times.

These exercises alone can help you burn belly fat but it will take a while before you start seeing the results. Most people wish to have a healthy and lean body especially women. Being healthy physically has a lot of merits and if you want to become physically healthy, you may have to exercise on a regular basic but you don't have to exercise every single day. You don't need hours and hours of workouts to have some abs or a sexy lean body. There are many exercises you can do in order to burn belly fat.


Exercise Burn Belly Fat - Lose Belly Fat Exercises Exercise Burn Belly Fat - Lose Belly Fat Exercises Reviewed by Fit Girls on Saturday, November 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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