How to lose weight fast after 40

 How to lose weight fast after 40. Many women who have passed forty years, the problem of weight gain is known. But you want so much to keep the same beautiful shape and health, as in young years. Most of the beautiful half of humanity believes that after forty years of life is just beginning and therefore, it is impossible to gain extra weight, so as not to degrade the quality of life.

Today we will understand how to bring your weight to a normal state, improve your body shape, and prevent weight gain. First of all, it is necessary to figure out why women who belong to this age category, in most cases, gain extra pounds.

How to lose weight after 40 – Why is overweight?

As a rule, weight gain in women at this age is because the metabolism does not work as fast as in earlier years. Weight gain during this period occurs even in previously slim women. Statistics show that if women in their 40s do not take into account the fact of slowing down their metabolism and continue to lead a healthy life with an abundance of unhealthy food and lack of exercise, then their weight increases within 20 pounds over the next ten years.

How to lose weight after 40

Also, experts in the field of dietology distinguish the following reasons for the occurrence of overweight in mature women: Period of menstrual pause; The restructuring of the body’s hormonal plan; Reduced stress tolerance; Genetic predisposition. A particularly significant reason is the wrong balance of hormones. These hormones include:


Its level drops immediately as a woman enters a period of menstrual pause. The female body quickly goes into protection mode and begins to resume estrogen deficiency due to fat deposits. The number of pounds gained strictly depends on how severe a hormone deficiency the body experiences;


During the onset of menopause, the body also loses this hormone. The lack of progesterone in the body of the women contributes to the incomplete removal of fluid. As a result, the lady notices weight gain and the appearance of puffiness after waking up;


This hormone has an essential effect on the increase in muscle tissue. When menopause occurs, its content in the female body also decreases sharply. A decrease in testosterone leads to a decrease in muscle mass and muscle tone. Also, the lack of hormones provokes a slowdown of metabolic processes in the body. The woman notices that the loss of calories is no longer as fast as before. Fat deposits, in turn, are deposited at double speed;


In addition to the female hormones in the body, there is male. When menstrual pause occurs, the indicator in the woman’s body begins to grow. It is because of androgens that fatty tissue is deposited in the abdominal area. 

It is vital to monitor the content of this hormone in the body since an energetic androgen imbalance is the cause of the development of robust stages of obesity.


The production of this hormone occurs in the adrenal glands and also has a powerful effect on the metabolic processes in the body. During menopause, the level of cortisol increases, and fat deposits are observed in the upper body region. In addition, this hormone provokes an increase in blood glucose, increases the rate of conversion of carbohydrates into fat, causes a false sense of hunger, and exaggerates the present. The body includes a saving mode and converts incoming calories into body fat;


It is a protein hormone produced by the pancreas that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. During the menstrual period, women develop insulin resistance. This drives to an increase in the number of androgens in the body, which convert calories into fats. This happens if there is an excess of carbohydrates and a lack of fat in the body. In the absence of adequate nutrition, this imbalance leads to the development of obesity of the second stage, diseases of oncological nature, Alzheimer’s disease, and various pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

How to start weight loss?

This is a crucial stage before starting the process of losing weight. Few women can competently begin this difficult path. Consider the main steps in losing weight:

First of all, a woman needs to visit an endocrinologist to exclude or confirm the presence of thyroid abnormalities, which often cause an increase in body weight after forty years. The thyroid gland has a regulatory function on the metabolic processes in the body. If any diseases of this organ are observed, then an uncontrolled increase in pounds occurs. After conducting laboratory tests, a specialist will prescribe a proper diet;

For appropriate weight reduction, it is necessary to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The intoxication of the body leads to the malfunction of metabolic processes and the emergence of unnecessary pounds. It is very important to adjust your diet, giving preference to products that have a fat-burning effect.

How to lose weight fast after 40 – Day regimen is especially important!

Quality sleep is a very important step in losing weight. This is because of the lack of rest provokes an increase in the hormone ghrelin, and meanwhile increases another hormone – leptin. They are responsible for the balance of hunger and saturation.

If the work of these hormones is disturbed, then the person experiences a constant feeling of hunger, which leads to constant consumption of food and gains weight. Everyday stressful situations lead to disruption of the digestive tract. As a result, food is digested poorly; there is an uncontrolled use of harmful products.

How to lose weight fast after 40 – Nutrition and exercise.

Do not sit on strict diets. According to experts, a sharp restriction of food or a complete rejection of it leads to a severe loss of a pounds, which for women in the age of forty is fraught with the development of various pathologies. 

Safe weight loss is up to eight pounds per month; Physical activity in sufficient quantities is the key to successful weight loss. Special exercises are needed to increase muscle tissue and faster fat burning. Moderate loads can not only keep the weight healthy, but also improve the tone of the skin, and even prevent the aging process.

The basis of proper weight loss is the adjustment of food habits. To avoid a set of extra pounds, you need to enter into the diet a sufficient amount of protein foods. Experts advise adding low-fat fish, beef, and chicken to the daily menu. It is also very important to observe the drinking regime – the liquid content should be at least two liters per day.

It is desirable that most of the consumed liquid was clean water. It is crucial to reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates, animal-type fats, and too salty foods. Daily calorie intake should not exceed more than 2000 per day. Next, you need to reduce the calorie intake every five years by 200 calories.

The compulsory meal should be breakfast. It is advisable to make it low-calorie. So the body will get the setting to lose calories throughout the day. It is advisable to fill the break between main meals with low-fat dairy products, fruit and vegetable salads.

The evening meal also needs special attention. Dinner should be low in calories and should be carried out no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. Experts recommend that women eat more citrus fruits, dairy products, strawberries, celery, apples, cabbage, saffron, eggplants, bell peppers, nuts, and add ground ginger and cinnamon to the dishes. 

It is advisable to make your daily routine in such a way as to include morning exercises. After waking up, it is enough to do light exercises to stretch all the muscles and start fat-burning processes. If possible, in the evenings you need to visit the gym, fitness or swimming pool.

Experts advise you to start an active lifestyle with walking, cycling, and rollerblading. In the gym, it is desirable to avoid barbells and dumbbells. It is better to give preference to training on simulators. A good solution in the fight against obesity is an exercise with a stability ball. Before each workout is recommended to use up to two glasses of clean water.

How to lose weight fast after 40 – Belly fat.

Women after forty years usually suffer precisely from belly fat problems. As mentioned earlier, the reason for this failure is the normal operation of androgens. Fat deposits in the abdomen can be very dangerous, as they are associated with diabetes, stroke, and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

How to lose weight after 40 for women

Hormones are not the only cause of folds. In addition to it, the following factors also have an important influence:

Back problems
In case of incorrect posture, the vertebrae are displaced, and the organs are advanced. The stomach is formed reflexively. In the absence of sufficient physical activity, folds are formed in a short period; Strong stressful situations over time. Negative emotions provoke a surge of adrenaline. There is a disturbance in the work of the hormonal background, malfunctions in the metabolic system, as a result of which fat folds are formed in the lower abdomen; 

Lack of exercise and excessive food intake 
When overeating, the stomach is stretched, which during a sedentary lifestyle provokes the deposition of fatty tissues in the abdominal area;

If a woman has family members who suffer from diabetes and obesity, then she can have similar diseases. In the first place, body fat will be deposited in the abdomen;

Not enough food intakes
Many women think that meals should be three meals a day. But it is not. Experts advise eating at least six times a day. The difference between meals should not be more than 4 hours;

Problems with willpower
Unresolved problems contribute to the emergence of new issues and stressful situations that women like to jam with lots of junk food. All this together gives fat deposits in the abdominal area;

Lack of sleep
The normal duration of a night’s rest should be at least seven hours. Otherwise, the body experiences stress and primarily stores fat on the abdomen.

How to lose weight fast after 40.

To get rid of the fat in the abdomen, first of all, it is necessary to normalize the diet. With improper diet, even sufficient physical activity will not bring proper results. The stomach is the most problematic area for many women, and it is difficult enough to drive it away. In order to bring your figure back to normal, you first need to make a food diary to control the number of calories consumed. If you reduce your diet within 500-750 calories, you can lose up to 2 pounds per week.

Nutritionists recommend a diet so that each meal includes up to 115 grams of protein. It is also good to include in the diet a portion of vegetables. Whole grain products are rich in fiber, which is a necessary component and answer on how to lose weight fast after 40. Experts believe that the main reason for the formation of fat on the abdomen – excessive consumption of sugar.

For women who cannot live without sweets, it is better to give preference to dried fruits, natural honey, and bitter chocolate. To get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen should use two glasses of clean water before each meal.

This will help to satisfy hunger with a smaller amount of food, resulting in a narrowing of the stomach. Performing morning exercises before breakfast, you can burn most of your fat reserves. It is enough to do exercises for half an hour every day in order to see the result after a while. It is necessary to perform both aerobic and strength training.

Nutrition is a critical stage on the way to the ideal figure. Consider the examples of the diet that will help make the right choice in the future.

In the morning, you can eat oatmeal by adding honey and dry fruits, a slice of whole-grain bread with a small amount of cottage cheese. For lunch, you need to cook fish fillets in the oven with a vegetable. For dinner – chicken soup; 

In the morning, omelet with bacon and a piece of cheese, add broccoli. For lunch, brown rice and mushroom stew. You can drink green tea with two oatmeal cookies. For dinner, chicken breast with a vegetable garnish, baked in the oven;

Start the day with a pancake with cottage cheese filling and two boiled eggs. For lunch, mushroom soup. Finish the day with baked salmon;

For breakfast, you need to eat rice porridge with milk, adding a small piece of dark chocolate to your morning meal. For lunch, cook chicken fillet with a buckwheat side dish and vegetable salad. The last meal consists of a Greek salad and two baked potatoes;

For breakfast, eat a whole grain bread sandwich with ham and cheese, as well as cottage cheese with sour cream, having a small fat content. For lunch, salmon is baked in the oven with a vegetable garnish. Have dinner with pasta with low-fat cheese; 

For breakfast, eat two boiled eggs and half a grapefruit. In the afternoon you can eat boiled chicken and a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Dinner – steam meatballs from lean meat;

For breakfast, you can make soup with milk and whole-grain pasta. For lunch, eat pea soup and baked eggplants, and zucchini. The final meal consists of fish cutlets with mashed potatoes. You may notice that the dishes are quite familiar and straightforward. The main thing is to eat it in small portions and not overeat.

How to lose weight fast after 40 How to lose weight fast after 40 Reviewed by Fit Girls on Friday, November 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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